If you live or work in the Daytona Beach, Port Orange, Holly Hill, South Daytona, Ormond Beach, Daytona Beach Shores, Wilber By the Sea, Ponce Inlet, and New Smyrna Beach are, this clinic accepts patients that have been injured from a Rear End collision.
At Daytona Chiropractic Clinic we accept patients that have been rear ended in a car crash auto accident. .
The most common complaints after a rear end collision is pain, whiplash, mid back pain, low back pain, reduced mobility of your spine with muscle tension and muscle spasms, The muscles, ligaments and discs in the spine can be injured during a car crash or vehicle accident.
Call Daytona Chiropractic Clinic at (386) 253-1113 for an appointment or more information.
Rosenfeld M, Gunnarsson R, Borestein P. Early intervention in whiplash-associated disorders: a comparison of two treatment protocols. Spine 2000; 25(14): :1782-7.
Rosenfeld M, Seferiadis A, Carlsson J,and Gunnarsson R. Active intervention in patients with whiplash-associated disorders. Spine 2003; 28(22):2491-8.